Friday, May 22, 2009

So, I got the 'OPPORTUNITY' to PRACTICE my photography skills, yet again. Love it, but also DREAD it! Because I just don't feel that COMPETENT YET! *sigh* Anyway, these are the ones that made the cut. I like them, but then I go to a "REAL" photographer's website or blog, and I see that they (my photo's) leave MUCH to be desired! Oh well... u live and learn, right? I just gotta keep practicing and learning (and spending money on new equipment!!) and hopefully I'll get better. :) Thanks Bonnie and Kristen for letting me capture these!!


  1. Carin said...
    the images are BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!
    REALLY BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!! I especially love the BW images!
    Hilary said...
    If you ever want subjects to practice on, my kids are always available! I think you have such a great eye, and you're way talented!
    Bird Brain #3 said...
    AWWW Thanks girls! Carin, you're the best! I want to come take your class again! Do you take repeat offenders? :)
    Katie said...
    They are great. I think you did a great job. I want you to take some photos of the girls. K!?
    evervescence said...
    You truly captured the beauty of this family and the joy of their new arrival. These photographs are so beautiful- and will mean everything to them as this little sweet baby grows up!

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