Saturday, August 9, 2008

I literally can't articulate with words how much I LOVE summer nights. As soon as that sun goes down, I have a burst of energy. My most FAVORITE thing to do, usually anytime after 11pm, is take my pup for a run. I do not run, of course... as I despise running. I ride my bike! (which I love). I used to take the little 4 wheeler every night, but have found I enjoy riding the bike even more. Mostly because, A) it is the only excersize I get, and B) because it's quiet, and I like hearing the panting of my dog and the tink of his tags. I love that there are sprinklers on everywhere, too. He thinks he's so funny running through them, and then laying down in front of one and just gnawing on it, slurping up a cold drink. It looks so refreshing... a fresh spray in the mouth. I just don't want to get all wet. He doesn't seem to mind.

I wonder if my 'night-owl-ness' came about because of my years of sneaking out of the house as a teenager and raising hell throughout the neighborhood until it started getting light? Now, THOSE were the days. I love those days. I miss those days. I think that's where my love of nighttime was really born, although I've never been a morning person anyway.

So, back to my love of dogs. MY dog, in particular. I always tell him, "I LOVE YOU! But I can't STAND you... now go lay down." How is that possible? (I hope he doesn't take it personal.) Ummm, I guess just ask anyone who has big dogs. You hate the hair, the slobber, the need to go on walks, the POOP... yet you LOVE that snoot, those eyes, those paws, the WISKERS! How could you ever live with out 'em? Hence, you put up with all the rest.


  1. Anonymous said...
    I think this is why we've been such great friends for so long. You and I long for the night to come around. Thanks for being my night owl friend. Wend.
    Staci said...
    You make me laugh! I'm so glad that I'm not the only one who LOVES there dog but really HATES the mess that comes along with it. Oh, what would we do with them?
    Maryann said...
    THE DOG!!! What a glorious creation. i couldn't go on without my two know me. The snozzle, the hot breath etc. You nailed it!

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